Saturday, January 28, 2006

Prison Brain Decoding System

For those of you who do not know FCC-Coleman, this Federal Correctional Complex is a humungous place. It is about 1800 acres. There are 2 USP each one housed about 1400 prisoners, a medium facility that housed almost 2000 prisoners; a low facility that house almost 2500 prisoners and a female camp with 500 female prisoners. And the place keep growing, every day you see more and more new construction sites and more private houses that were finally given-up by their owners and sold to the BOP. Not too long ago the complex acquired a house, the house is located completely out of the complex boundaries, to get there you must cross CR-500. I had to drop some papers in that house and I was afraid to go by myself, even though I was authorized to go, I still was scared (you never know with the government, so it is better to be on the safe-side); so I asked my boss to drive with me; and we went to the house; when we arrived at the house, I jumped from the truck when I saw the beautiful carved-glassdoor from the drive-way; my boss was behind me and I said to him: "Look, how beautiful!" (to me, windows and doors are a very special parts of a house), then I proceed to knock on the door, doing it very carefuly because I did not want to leave a spot on the glass-door. I was so amazed by the beauty of the door that I was anxiously expecting for the door to be opened and to express my feelings to the occupants of the house. A well dressed staff member opened the door looked at me like I was a dump-stupid prisoner and said to me:"don't you know what this is for?" pointing to the door-bell; he continued looking at me like I was an illiterate retarded person and said: "if you have never seen one of these; this is how it works"; and he pressed his finger on the door-bell; I was so embarrased also feeling so little, I was between 2 men in position of authority one calling me a dump-stupid prisoner 9with his actions) and the other one looking at me in silence. No human being enjoys to be treated like a dump-stupid person and of course I am no exception; however due to the arrogant part of my personality I was not planing to please him by allowing him to know that I was embarrased and quickly I replied to him: "Oh, I was so amazed by the beauty of the door that I completely forgot about the door-bell" and I immediately changed the subject and said" "I came to drop this order off because I need this and that by tomorrow; I went into my business very fast and drove back to work; on my way back I was talking and talking to my boss about different subjects afraid that he was going to bring back the door-bell incident. When we came back to our work place; I went to my work-area by myself and I was in shock of myself, further I was concerned about the reality. My Friends, between you and me, the truth is that my mind has decoded an actual "door-bell". I had completely forgot the existence of a "door-bell". I have not used a 'door-bell" in almost 10 years; so the reality of the door-bell was decoded from my brain; I could not believe it!, I said to myself: "Oh, my Lord, I wonder how many things I have forgotten from the real world?"and then I realized that the Psycologists were correct in their theory that 'more than 5 years of incarceration causes mental damage to any human being", I did not want to believe that and I was always boasting about myself being 'in touch with the real world and my feet on solid ground"; well, My Friends, I forgot that I am just another human being and I react as so. Unfortunately after 10 years of incarceration a human being will decode his/her brain some aspects/objects of the world outside the fence, and that is exactly the purpose of our congressman and judges when they handed down those draconian sentences as they did to me. It is a scgocking reality and in no way does it help the mental capacity of prisoners when they are release to the community. I love you all. You can laugh about this, I do too at times.


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