Beauty Pageants in Prison
Last October 4, 2005(Tuesday) the USA Today published an article by Toby Muse. The article was titled: "In Colombia beauty is in the eyes of the prisoner"; the article stated: " Nation's passion for pageants extends to inside cellblocks" even a picture of the pageant winner w as published, the female prisoner in a Queen's outfit with a crown. It called my attention that the writer said: "nation's passion" (Colombia). I do not know Mr. Muse, or where he is from; but in the article He portrays that beauty pageants inside prison's happen only in Colombia due to that "nation's passion for pageants". I believe that Mr. Muse as well as the rest of my fellow american citizen's is unaware of what happens inside our nation's prisons. Here Mr. Muse in the United States of America at least in Federal prisons, we have not only one; but at least 2 and sometimes 3 beauty pageants each year. During the Hispanic Heritage celebrations (Sept-Oct) one of the activities is a beauty pageant, 21 female prisoners are selected to represent each Hispanic country and one is selected as Ms. Hispanic; also during the Black History Month (February) a top model is selected between 10 or more models to be the beauty for black history month; further in some prisons a Miss. USA is selected for the 4th of July activities. In the pageants, the prisoners wear dresses designed and made by other prisoners; and some of the dresses are just gorgeous, long gowns with shoulderless, backs, legs or open midsection dresses, with prison made earrings andtiaras. Lots of make-up are worn and they walk, model and are interviewed like in a real beuaty pageant. We even have judges (correctional officers) to vote and select the beauty. (You may be able to see a picture on this e-mail). I do not know whether it is a Colombia or the United States' passion forpageants or it is a prisoner's survival tool, especially female prisoners, I am not a sociologist, criminologist or pyschologist I am only speaking from my experience. Furthermore whether it is a female or a male issue, I do not know either because I have been told by some correctional officers that the male's have pageant too. But there is something that I know; and it is that it is sad very sad that our journalists and the american people Do not know what happens inside our prisons. America and the world were in shock when they saw the pictures from Abu Ghraih prison in Iraq; and our politicians, lawmakers, and regualr citizens said that: '"Well that does not happen here at home"; if the persons who did that to the Abu Ghraih prisoners were american correctional officers trained in USA and former employees of our correctional system what makes us think that that abuse does not happen here at home?. As many of you, including USA Today, did not know about our 3 Beauty pageants per year inside our nation's prisons, you also may not be aware of the slave labor, rape, torture, abuse, lack of medical assistance, inhumane sanitation, and more that is happening inside our nation's prison system due toour nation's passion for the incarceration of first time, non-violent offenders. I love you all Yraida (Leo).
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