Saturday, December 31, 2005

Prison Talk Online

The purpose of this page is to educate the public about our reform system here in the United States. It is also a place for you to contact us and ask any questions you might have about our federal prison system and get them answered by a current inmate in the federal system. We will also be discussing the affects on mandatory minimum sentences on prison inmates and their families. We will explore the alternatives to mandatory minimum sentencing for non violent first time offenders. What we really want to do is educate you about how the system works, and how ineffective it is in preventing recidivism, and the residual effects that are felt throughout the family dynamic of prisoners. So sit back, read, ask questions, and if you see merit to the things we present, TELL YOUR REPRESENTATIVE HOW YOU FEEL!!! Remember, this system is supposed to protect US, and when it fails to do that, we need to fix it. You may ask us questions by either clicking on the "comments" link below, or by emailing us at


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